Thursday, April 23, 2009

Organic Cotton/Silk summer scarves at Stella B's!

Gift’s Scarves is green! All of their silk and cotton/silk blend scarves are hand made, using all natural products! Members of hill tribes grow the cotton high in the mountains of Thailand without using any harmful chemicals such as pesticides or any chemicals to help them produce cotton faster. The cotton is combed, carded and prepared by hand-powered tools, thus producing no carbon!

Our silk worms are fed the highest quality of Mulberry leaves to ensure the highest quality of silk! The Mulberry trees are grown naturally and the leaves are hand picked and not treated in any way. The silk worms are not fed any type of growth hormones or any other chemicals and are released back to nature after they become a moth to continue the cycle of silk worms. They enjoy a happy, normal life after hatching!

All of our silk and cotton/silk blends are woven on hand-powered looms, which do not consume any kind of fossil fuels!

Great selection available now at Stella B's.

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